Ginger Shot 12SHOTS 24x 360 ml

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With ginger pieces

With ginger pieces

 Old Monastery Recipe

Old Monastery Recipe

 Organic and vegan by conviction

Organic and vegan by conviction

  • Naturally long shelf life
  • No cold chain
  • Without preservatives
  • More than 48 million products sold
Opens your eyes. And your mind.

An old monastery recipe was the inspiration for what we have made possible with a specially developed manufacturing process. Real, finely chopped pieces of ginger in every product.

Pure organic ingredients (organic control body DE-ÖKO-006) make all our products what the customer wants: a natural, perfectly seasoned and slightly spicy ginger shot highlight in premium quality. And all without any artificial additives.

Three delicious varieties for every taste:

CLASSIC – lemony-fresh fan favourite.
TURMERIC - fruity and spicy with a touch of Asia.
POMEGRANATE - fruity-sweet taste explosion.
PINEAPPLE - exotic-spicy madness combo - created by top chef & TV star Roland Trettl.

Whether 12SHOTS for at home or 1SHOT for on the go. Each Kloster Kitchen Ginger Shot is nothing short of pure inspiration for the mind rather than just any boring shot.

(Decorative items are not included.)

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Unser 12SHOTS. Öffnet die Augen. Und den Geist.

Als 360 ml Powervorrat ist der 12SHOTS perfekt für alle positiven Momentalisten. 12 Ingwer Shots für fast zwei Wochen bringen jeden schon gleich morgens nach ganz vorne. Zeit im Kopf die Fenster zu öffnen und die Kraft des Originals mit den Stückchen reinzulassen.

 Unser 12SHOTS. Öffnet die Augen. Und den Geist.
 Unser 12SHOTS. Öffnet die Augen. Und den Geist.
 Unser 1SHOT. Powerstoff in seiner kleinsten Form.
 Unser 1SHOT. Powerstoff in seiner kleinsten Form.

Unser 1SHOT. Powerstoff in seiner kleinsten Form.

Was man beim 12SHOTS auf Vorrat hat, ist der 1SHOT für unterwegs und zwischendurch. Nach dem Sport, ausgedehnte Radtour, lange Bahnfahrt, nerviger Bürotag: damit gönnt man sich eine kleine, leichtscharfe Pause und bringt den mentalen Akku wieder auf 100%. Ready, Steady, 1SHOT.

Everything worth knowing.

  • Unser Geheimnis: eine Rezeptur.

    Nach einer überlieferten Klosterrezeptur bieten wir echte Bio-Ingwer Shots. So pur und natürlich wie es damals nunmal war.

  • Das Original mit den Ingwerstückchen.

    In jedem unserer Produkte sind echte Ingwerstückchen. Als Teil der besonderen Rezeptur werden unsere Shots so zu einem spürbaren Geschmackserlebnis.

  • Ingwer pur.

    Es gibt viele Ingwer Shots da Draußen. Wir wollen so nah am Ingwer bleiben wie möglich. Deshalb mischen wir zum Beispiel auch keinen Saft hinzu.

  • Nicht nur geschmacklich ausgezeichnet.

    Wir gewinnen für unsere Arbeit regelmäßig Preise. Darauf sind wir schon stolz. Viel stolzer machen uns aber die vielen tollen Bewertungen bei

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Product FAQs

As a certified organic manufacturer, we are careful to only process first-class organic quality. That's why we looked around the world for the best suppliers. We found what we were looking for in Asia. From there we obtain our ginger from a certified organic farm, which is regularly checked by the employees of a German institute on site. But that's not all! To be on the safe side, we only purchase raw tubers and randomly check each delivery for pesticides and other harmful substances before further processing. In the end, only flawless goods go into our delicious ginger drinks, after all we only want to offer our customers the best.

The tubers are sorted by hand, because only the best pieces are processed further. At the end there is the processing of our ginger, for which we have developed our own process. The ginger is cut particularly gently and evenly into our delicious pieces of ginger.

It was very important to us right from the start to get the natural ginger root in the bottle as close as possible to its original condition. We don't use pressed ginger juice, puree or concentrate, instead we put real small pieces of ginger in the bottle. In this way, the taste can develop optimally and important trace elements and ingredients are retained. For years we have developed a technology that is unique in the world. The manufacture of our products is very complex and labor-intensive, but the result is delicious and just a little bit different.