We love to ginger you.
On everyone’s lips around the world.
Apart from its well-known properties, the flavour of a fresh piece of ginger is simply unrivalled. And if, like us, you surround yourself all day with this bewitching plant, you may not only develop an addiction to it, but also get to know a great deal about it. Simply let yourself be ginger-spired.
Not just tasty, it’s got style, too.
When you talk about ginger, you are speaking about the tuber that grows underground, i.e. the root. What many people still do not know: A flowering ginger plant is really stylish and is already available from some florists.

Ginger likes to be warm.
It grows in places where we ourselves wouldn’t mind being sometimes: in the tropics and subtropics. Ginger is grown on almost every continent within this climate zone. By far the largest producer is India, where the plant is also believed to have originated.
So small, so spicy.
This is what makes its flavour so distinctive: a mystical, stimulating, yet not excessively intense spiciness. The reason for this is the gingerol compounds found in the tuber. You can’t see them. But we all know that they are there to delight us.

Peel with a spoon.
There are many ways to peel a knob of ginger. Hold the ginger close to the base of the bowl of the spoon and run it down the knob, scraping off the skin. This is also a good way to get around the corners and edges. By the way: you can dispose of the peel. Fortunately, it is only a myth that it contains a lot of vitamins
It’s the cut that makes all the difference.
A tip for the cooks and DIY enthusiasts out there. Ginger needs to be chopped finely and processed quickly. There are good reasons for this. The bigger the cut surface, the better the ingredients - which means the flavours can mix with and enrich each other. In addition, the essential oils contained in ginger disperse very quickly. The faster you process ginger, the more you gain from it. Reasons enough for us to develop our own careful processing method.